So, I took a trip up North to visit family and return my granddaughter to her mother.
My granddaughter spent some summer weeks with us, and we enjoyed having her.
But then the 9-hour road trip to return happened. The beautiful mountains of Tennessee were covered with thunderstorms which make for a very anxious drive. Kentucky finally cleared up from those clouds as well.
I always cherish visits with my mom, she is the only parents I have left.
It's hard as you age and see your grandparents, and parents come to the end of life.
My hubs have lost both his parents, his father years back and mother just in recent.
So, any time I get with mom is cherished. I wish she could come here more. I know it's hard since we live 500 miles away. But it's doable. But at her age, I fear she finds it hard to travel. I would want her to be able to relax and not worry or suffer.
So, of course when I go to visit, its pure chaos. My Neice and her kids are playing doing kid things, my granddaughter joins in the noise, my sisters and brother all talk too loud at each other over the kids and the TV, but you know I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I don't mind kids playing. I don't care for screaming and 10 nosiest toys at the same time, but they are precious. And only children once.
So, if you have your parents, be thankful. Hug them. Say i love you. It's never enough times.
Not yours, but truly
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